Want more engaged prospects and better close rates? Take this unusual approach

Too many sales reps focus shortsightedly on the close. Because that's the moment they earn a commission. But there's a lot that happens leading up to that moment.

Today, I want to share how you can close more deals with less effort by designing a better buying experience.

It doesn't matter what part of the sales process you're focused on:

  • the cold email
  • the qualification
  • the sales call
  • the product demo
  • the meeting
  • the close

You can take insights from UX designers, and apply them to your sales approach to unlock massive sales growth. Stop chasing after prospects, and instead make them want to engage with you.

While everyone's trying to scale, automate, and optimize every touchpoint with their prospects, you can win by focusing on the quality of their experience. Zig when everyone's zagging.

Check out my latest post on the Close.io blog where I share actionable advice on how to make prospects want to buy from you.

Go get'em!

PS: Want to see an example of how we do this at Close.io? Check out our trial signup form. When we started out in 2013, most CRM tools required people go through a long-winded signup process that included entering their payment info.

We did away with that, and anyone can try all the features of our software completely free for 14-days without even entering their credit card.

This is much more common today, but the lesson here is to always ask yourself:

  • How can we do this better?
  • How can remove friction?
  • How can we make it easier for our prospects to take the next step?
Believe me, it's a never-ending journey of continuous improvement and growth. Have a good example of a great buying experience? Share it in the comments of my latest blog post, I'd love to hear from you!

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