Releasing my first audiobook ever. I want you to be the first to hear it

Tl;dr: I'm running a promo this month to give away free copies of my very first AUDIOBOOK. Sign up for a free trial of and you'll get it for free.

I'm a huge fan of audiobooks. It's been one of my major ways to expand my knowledge. And people have been asking me for years if I'd ever record an audiobook. Well, today I can finally answer this question with: YES!

Want more B2B customers? Then you should listen to this book. It covers not just my best knowledge on this topic, but also that of my good friend and podcast brother Hiten Shah, who's founded multiple multi-million dollar B2B startups.

audiobook-zero to thousands

Now, understand that this is NOT YOUR USUAL AUDIOBOOK. We didn't contract this out to some audiobook publisher. I didn't sit down in a studio to record this. And there's no team of audio engineers who smoothed it all out. This is a raw, unfiltered recording—and that means you'll hear me sometimes reading a sentence the wrong way, but it also means that you'll hear my uncensored commentary on this.

EVEN IF YOU'VE READ THIS BOOK ALREADY—you should listen to this.

Heck, I *wrote* this book, and I got something out of reading it out loud this time. Have you ever re-read a book that you already read a couple of years ago? And did you get something different out of that second reading than you did the first time around, a deeper level of insights? Well, that's exactly what happened when I read it this time around, and I shared that deeper level of insight with you in the recording. And I'm not holding back. Dropping truth bombs left and right. You're getting the real deal here.

Get your earphones ready and go on a walk. Or a threadmill. Or sit down in front of a notepad, pen in hand. Whatever your favorite way of listening is, but you'll want to pay attention to this. Sign up for a free trial of today to download this audiobook.

Hiten and I have both built several multi-million dollar businesses from scratch, and this book contains our combined learnings from each step of the way. 

Whether you're self-funded or VC-backed, there's a simple framework for each phase of your startup: getting your first 10 customers, growing from 10 to 100, from 100 to 1,000 and taking it to the next level: 
  • When to wing it and when to start building processes
  • What roles to hire for at which point & which metrics to monitor
  • Finding the right customer acquisition channels for the current stage of your business

Sign up for your free trial now. It takes two minutes and there's zero risk (you don't even need to put in your credit card—email is all it takes). If you don't want to become a customer, there's nothing you need to do—the trial will automatically expire. And this "audiobook" is yours to keep forever.

Go get'em!

PS: If you read the book and still have a question about acquiring B2B customers, just email me and I'll help you out. All you need to do is get started with your free, no-risk trial.

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