Sooooo when I announced the 90-Day Challenge a few emails back, I probably should have put a disclaimer on it:
This challenge is NOT for everyone.
I'm looking at you, people who got mad at me for saying that yearly goals are dumb. :)
(Yearly goals are still dumb, btw.)
If you want to make slow and steady progress toward hitting a revenue goal in December, that's totally fine. It works for some people.
But if you want an experienced guide who will push you to take massive action and get game-changing results in the next 90 days…
Then the 90-Day Challenge is definitely for you.
Since tomorrow is the last day to join (and we only have a few spots left), I'm going to run through some of the most common questions I've been hearing.
When does the challenge start?
Your 90 days will begin as soon as we've completed the custom marketing plan you'll use to crush the challenge. That typically takes a couple of weeks from the day you enroll.
First, we'll have a 1:1 call to dive deep into your business and goals. Then we'll run your business through an in-depth Impact Assessment and inspection that covers all your existing marketing, sales funnels, and assets.
Based on everything we learn about your business, we'll set your target revenue and map out the exact step-by-step marketing plan that will get you there.
Guarantee #1: If your marketing plan doesn't make you feel completely confident and unreasonably excited to get started, you don't have to proceed. We'll refund your investment and you can opt out of the challenge right then and there.
Whoa, awesome. So what's Guarantee #2?
The 90-Day Challenge is all about increasing your revenue in a short amount of time. So if you haven't already generated an additional $10k in sales of your products or services by the end of the 90 days, you'll be eligible for a full refund—plus I'll give you $1,000 cash to hire another coach.
Uhhhh, what's the catch?
There is only one requirement for everyone participating in the challenge: you have to put in an honest effort during those 90 days.
That means you have to be fully committed to following the step-by-step marketing plan I create for you to kick things off. You need to be taking full advantage of my team of coaches—getting feedback, asking questions, allowing them to be your "second set of eyes," hopping on a 1:1 if you're feeling off track.
When we hold you accountable for getting things done, we expect you to follow through.
So if you're not ready for being held accountable, taking massive action, and occasionally being asked to step outside your comfort zone, this probably isn't for you.
This sounds intense. How much time will I need to spend each week?
The challenge is about getting a year's worth of results in 90 days, but we don't expect you to cram a year's worth of work into 90 days.
Doubling or tripling your results rarely hinges on doubling or tripling your workload—it hinges on taking the right actions at the right time in your business. In other words, the exact stuff that an experienced coach will bring into focus for you.
If you're already putting in the work to grow your business, the 90-Day Challenge will simply show you how to direct it much more effectively. But if you're looking for someone to do all the work for you, this won't be a good fit.
What needs to be "ready to go" in my business?
You don't need the world's most beautiful website. You don't need a big email list. You don't need a fancy sales funnel and a budget for Facebook ads.
Thinking your business "isn't ready" for coaching is usually just fear talking.
But that's also why we talk to you 1:1 before you can become a client. Because on the off chance you legitimately aren't ready for our coaching, we'll tell you ourselves.
How do I get started?
All you need to do is book a Strategy Session with us now.
This is the initial no-obligation 1:1 call where we get to know your business, walk you through the 90-Day Challenge, show you how our coaching can help you grow, and answer all of your questions.
The challenge only comes around a handful of times per year and tomorrow is the FINAL day to talk to us about enrolling. So if you're at all considering it, you've got nothing to lose by grabbing a spot on our calendar now and getting the full details.
Here's the link one more time to book your call.
- Bryan
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