Last week I pulled a list of our best subject lines of 2021. And turned it into a 1-page swipe file that we now use internally to make sure every email converts. Meaning, when you start using it your emails will get opened and clicked 2x more often.
Model them.
Steal them.
Just use them.
I recently started using this list for emails I write and it's increased my average click rate by 50%!
It's simple, just do more of what works.
Today I'm hosting a FREE Pop-up workshop on my Zoom account at 3 pm CST (4 pm EST | 1 pm PST) to show you How to Write Killer Email Subject Lines!
I guarantee you'll leave with a subject line that gets dramatically more opens.
Click here to get the details to join (my Zoom is limited to 100 people).
Here is what you'll learn:
- Discover how to write killer email subject lines that get clicked, replied to, and generate sales.
- Learn my simple hack for writing new and fresh versions of old proven subject lines (and how to find an unlimited supply of proven subject lines that your competitor is using)
- Get exclusive access to workshop your next email with me and everyone else on Zoom. We'll select a few folks, look at a past email and make the subject line killer.
A current coaching client saw a 3x increase in sales from what you'll learn today (and in fact, we'll have him on live during the Zoom to share his story).
Notice: There are 100 spots on my Zoom plan. So show up early. Once it's at capacity no one else can get in until someone else leaves.
Here's the link one more time to get my Zoom info
See you in a few hours!
- Bryan
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