If you want to launch a new product this year, there is 1 fear that will kill your momentum like none other.

It's called "Kitchen Sink Syndrome," a tragic condition that causes you to constantly look at that thing you're building and wonder...

"What if this isn't enough?"

I don't care if you're creating a course, membership site, done-for-you service, coaching program, or anything else…

The natural temptation is ALWAYS to add more.

In my experience, however, you can actually make more money by delivering less content (while also saving yourself a ton of time, energy, and stress).

In this email, I'm going to show you how.

Let's go!

How to Build a Better Product by Delivering LESS Content

I didn't come to this realization until a few years back, when I was in a "product creation" rut.

I had a successful online course that had done over $1m in sales over the previous two years, but something about it nagged me:

Not enough people were succeeding with it.

To be clear, the people who completed the course and did all the work did awesome. But that was a small percentage. For every killer testimonial, there would be 9 people who never even bothered to access the freaking thing after buying.

It bugged the crap out of me.

My solution?

Blow it up and rebuild from scratch. Bigger. Better. Add all the things. More videos. More modules. More resources. More bonuses. More everything. 

In other words, completely overwhelm myself and guarantee I'd never be able to get this Big Dumb Mega Course™ out the door. :)

Then one conversation with my buddy Jeff Goins changed everything.

Jeff is a best-selling author who has also done millions of dollars in sales of online courses and digital products. After I was finished whining about the course that was consuming me, he asked me a simple question:

"What's the best thing that you teach?"

This was something I hadn't considered before. 

My course taught people a ton of ways to get more email subscribers. But there was one particular strategy above all others that consistently got customers amazing results…

"Partnerships," I replied to Jeff. "People who go through the course freaking love the results they get from our approach to partnerships."

"Kill everything else," he said. "Make your next product about that."


That single question—what's the best thing that you teach?—unlocked the focus and clarity I needed.

It reminded me of the #1 rule of creating any product or service:

Impact is more important than content.

In fact, people will pay you more for LESS content but greater impact.

I immediately made 3 changes that simplified The Big Dumb Mega Course™ into something that would have far greater impact for my customers (and also be easier to create):

  • Change #1: Instead of teaching every list-building strategy under the sun, I would teach the one strategy that has the greatest impact.
  • Change #2: I would start selling it ASAP instead of waiting until I was done creating it. This would prove that people liked the new idea before I spent time and energy building it.
  • Change #3: I would deliver the content in a "live online class" format instead of creating a bunch of content in advance. This would allow me to get out of "product creation" mode faster.

These changes led me to sell and create Partnership Accelerator, a product that went on to have the highest success and customer satisfaction rate of anything I'd ever made. It also served as proof of concept for a coaching program that would become Growth Tools' most profitable product ever.

And I was able to sell out the inaugural class before creating a single piece of new content for it.

All because I killed the things that didn't matter.

Are you overcomplicating your product launch?

If so, you're probably suffering from "Kitchen Sink Syndrome." 

AKA trying to deliver ALL OF THE THINGS instead of focusing on the ONE thing your customers need the most.

Not sure what that is? Here is a quick exercise to help you figure it out.

(Sidenote: This is one of the key steps we coach you through in Sell It, Then Build It, the new mastermind I announced yesterday where my team and I help you launch your next (or first) product.)

Step #1: Ask yourself the same question I did—what's the best thing I teach?

If you want to create an online course or coaching program, this might be a particular strategy or method.

  • Example 1: Let's say you're an expert in accounting for solopreneur businesses. Instead of creating a course on "Small Business Accounting Essentials," you focus on teaching the tax strategy that allows small businesses to reduce their IRS bill by 50%.
  • Example 2: Let's say you're a performance coach for golfers. Instead of creating an online coaching program around something broad and all-encompassing like "Taking Your Golf Game to the Next Level," you focus it specifically on helping golfers with their short game—chip shots, pitches, putts, etc.

If you sell services, this will likely be a particular service or aspect of a service.

  • Example: Let's say you're a freelance copywriter who wants to launch a new done-for-you service. Instead of offering an "I'll Write Your Entire Website for You" package, you create a service where you optimize the copy on your customer's #1 most important page.

Step #2: Still not sure after Step #1? Think about the 3-5 questions you hear the most from your audience or customers.

Write these down. Even if there are differences between the questions, you'll be able to spot some patterns. This will push you toward the area where you can have the biggest impact.

Step #3: Boil everything down into a simple offer using the following formula:

"I help you [achieve specific result] in [amount of time] without having to [common pain point]."

For example:

  • I help you lower your tax bill by 50% in 30 days without having to hire an accountant.
  • I help you take 5 strokes off your game in 90 days without changing your swing.
  • I help you generate more leads in 1 week without rewriting your entire website.

Use simple, crunchy language that communicates IMPACT.

Here's the bottom line:

You do NOT need to deliver an insane amount of content to make your product worth the price. You just need to deliver impact.

That's one of the first steps we'll help you accomplish in Sell It, Then Build It: A 4-Week Mastermind for Launching Your Next Product.

We will personally help you transform your rough idea into an irresistible offer you can pre-sell immediately—and then deliver rapidly.

There are only 15 spots available, and applications have been pouring in since I announced it yesterday.

As a reminder, this unique program is going to give you everything you need to start selling your next online course, coaching program, or consulting service—BEFORE you put an ounce of energy into creating it.

By the end of our time together, you'll not only have your first wave of sales...you'll also have an attack plan in place to continue bringing in new customers every month (without having to buy ads).

Go here to get all the details and apply now for 1 of the 15 spots. <<<

During the program, you will get: 

  • 4 LIVE small group training sessions where my team will walk you step-by-step through creating your essential launch assets
  • 1:1 coaching and feedback on everything you create
  • Voxer group with 15 other members
  • A custom marketing plan to help you continue generating sales for your product long after we wrap up the mastermind
  • Ongoing 1:1 coaching for 90 days to help you implement your custom marketing plan

Want in?

Go here to get your application in while there are still spots available. <<<

We'll take a closer look at your business and then reach out to you to walk you through the full details of the program (no obligation).

This is for you if:

  • You are a consultant, coach, or course creator who doesn't want to spend months or years planning your next product launch.
  • You want to avoid building a product that nobody actually wants to buy.
  • You want guaranteed sales in the door BEFORE you invest any time and energy into building your product.
  • You want a rock-solid, custom plan to bring in sales for your next product or service week after week without pumping money into expensive paid advertising channels like Facebook.

To get the full details, go here and apply now!

- Bryan