Want to grow your online course or coaching business to $10,000+ per month?

It might sound unreachable, but in this email I'm going to show you a 3-part formula that will change the way you think about it.

At a high level, it looks like this:

  1. Sales per month
  2. Eyeballs per month
  3. Plan to hit eyeball #

Let's talk through each of these...

#1: How many courses do you need to sell to hit $10k mo?

Do the math based on your price point:

  • $1,000 course = 10 sales per month
  • $500 course = 20 sales per month
  • $250 course = 40 sales per month

That's suddenly less intimidating.

"10 customers per month" seems way more doable than "$10,000 per month!?!?!?!"

#2: How many people need to see your offer?

How many fresh eyeballs do you need in order to hit your sales count from #1?

We typically see these conversion rates:

  • $1,000 course: 0.2%
  • $500 course: 0.4%
  • $250 course: 0.8%

That means you need to have 5,000'ish qualified fresh eyes on your offer in order to hit your $10k per month goal.

#3: How do you get 5,000 people to see your offer each month?

There's one strategy we recommend more than any other:

Do 1 partnership per week.

Get one company that already has an audience of your ideal customers to tell that audience about your business.

That could look like a few different things:

  • Podcast interview
  • Co-hosted webinar
  • Guest post
  • Facebook Live training
  • Lead magnet swap

That's it.

1 partnership per week for 10+ weeks and you'll hit your goal.

We've spent years using partnerships in our own business and helping 100s of online course creators and coaches do the same.

On Tuesday, December 15th at 3pm CT (4pm ET | 1pm PT), I'm going to show you our exact process on a free live webinar called How to 10x Your Course or Coaching Leads in January — Without Buying Facebook Ads or Creating New Content.

Just click here to automatically register and save your spot.

Already at $10k/month? Come anyway, because I'm going to show you how to throw even more gas on the fire.

You're going to learn:

  • How to get featured on podcasts, webinars, and email lists that have audiences full of your ideal customers
  • How to quickly identify 50+ "no brainer" partners in ANY niche who would be a great fit to promote you (even if you feel like nobody knows who you are)
  • The RIGHT and WRONG ways to pitch potential partners via email (with proven pitch scripts we've used again and again)
  • The 1 email template you can copy and paste to all but guarantee the top companies and influencers in your industry start begging to promote you to their audience (even if you're a "nobody" with no list or even a product yet)

Click here to register and save your spot now. <<<

See you there!

- Bryan