Ever been on the receiving end of a super lame cold email pitch?

You know...the kind that promises they can skyrocket your website to the top of Google (and was obviously sent to 100 other people).

If your inbox is like mine, it's full of them.

But every now and then, one comes along that stops me in my tracks and reminds me that cold emailing CAN work if you have the right approach.

For example, check out this cold email I got a while back from a guy named Siggy.

Not only did a read the entire thing from start to finish, it caused me to immediately respond and thank thim:

Why this is a great cold email:

  • His 2nd line proves he's not just some random weirdo. Siggy said, "Btw, I'm a fellow HTMYFD'er ;)". This is a reference to an online course I've talked about taking on my blog. By mentioning that he's taken the course too, he's instantly establishing a connection AND showing that he's a reader.
  • It includes a personalized video. This proves I'm not the target of some cookie-cutter cold outreach campaign. Dude did his homework and gave me something valuable without asking for anything in return.

If you're struggling to find more clients (or better ones), Siggy's email is proof that you're closer to reaching them than you might think.

So often, the only thing separating you from your dream clients is knowing the right way to get in front of them.

That's why I just published a post giving you a handful of my best strategies for quickly generating new coaching or consulting clients for your business:

How to Find Your Next 20 Clients Online in 63 Days <<<

You'll see:

  • The "Power Offer" script you can use to surface hot leads in the next 24 hours
  • The simple video proposal that landed a $10,000 client
  • How to get in front of your ideal clients without paying for ads
  • And more

Don't wait for clients to magically find your business. Try something new and get yourself in front of them TODAY.

This post will show you how to do it.

- Bryan

P.S. Want my team to audit your growth strategy and find 2-3 small tweaks you can make to skyrocket revenue in the next 90 days? Go here to schedule a free Strategy Session and we'll start digging in.