I'll keep this short and sweet.

There's only 1 time per year when we offer anything resembling a discount or deal.

Yup—Black Friday.

And this year is no exception. :)

Here are the high-level deets (no spoilers):

  • It is under $50 👍
  • I have personally been using it all year to get better at selling our primary product 📈
  • If you're a coach, course creator, or consultant, it will make selling your product or service MUCH less intimidating 😅

You'll only have a small window to get in on the deal, so we're putting together a special "First Look" list on Facebook Messenger that will get you early access to it a full 12 hours in advance.

Click the link below and then click the "Get Started" button to get added to the list:

Join the "First Look" list on Messenger so you don't miss the deal! <<<

There will be a TON of stuff competing for your attention once the Black Friday craziness begins, so hop on the list to keep it top of mind.

- Bryan

P.S. Want to see the top strategies our clients have used to grow their businesses this year? Click here to jump on a free 1:1 Strategy Call with my team. We'll walk you through what's working right now for coaches and course creators AND map out a custom growth plan for your business.