On Tuesday, I showed you how Diana Wu David has used podcast interviews to drive 1000s of dollars in sales of her online course this year (reminder).

This is one of my TOP recommended growth strategies for course creators and coaches for the simple fact that podcast interviews are pretty hard to screw up.

Think about it…

When a podcast host interviews you, they are endorsing your expertise to an audience that already trusts them.

This makes their audience WAY more likely to buy from you than, say, cold traffic from Facebook ads.

That said, there are a handful of common mistakes that cause people to leave leads and sales on the table when they do podcast interviews.

  • Mistake #1: Not mentioning your product during the interview. Duh, right? You'd be surprised how easy it is to forget this. Have an online course? Tell people! Offer coaching or consulting? Bring it up! You don't need a full-blown sales pitch, but listeners should know you sell stuff that can help them.
  • Mistake #2: Relying on the show notes to bring you traffic. Getting a link to your website in the show notes is cool and all (backlinks are great!), but a link alone won't bring you a windfall of new subscribers.
  • Mistake #3: Not using a Welcome Sequence for new subscribers. When a podcast listener signs up for your list, they shouldn't have to wait for your next launch or promo to get an offer for your product. With the right sequence of welcome emails in place, you can automatically get your product in front of them while they're still warm.

The good news? All of these mistakes have easy fixes.

I broke all of them down step by step in a simple Podcast Interview Checklist that will help you nail your first (or next) podcast interview.

(It also includes a customizable Welcome Sequence template so you can avoid Mistake #3 altogether.)

Click here and I'll send the Checklist + Email Sequence right to your inbox. <<<

Grab it now and you'll be able to maximize the number of leads and sales any podcast interview sends to your business.

- Bryan

P.S. Want my team to audit your business and pinpoint your 2-3 best growth opportunities like we did for Diana? Book a free Strategy Call and we'll walk you through a step-by-step plan for scaling to $10k per month (and beyond).