Here are a handful of things I've been reading, watching and listening to lately that you might also find enjoyable and helpful in growing your business.

📚 One Book To Read

If you're like me and immediately regret the name you've given your kid / company / product / podcast, I couldn't recommend the book Hello My Name Is Awesome by Alexandra Watkins more.

She teaches a 3-step naming exercise:

Step 1: List 12 related words 
Step 2: Choose 1 & research for 60 minutes
Step 3: Repeat on each word 

Result: 100 names and 10+ you like

Grab a copy of my notes w/ a short video summary and link to the book.

🎬 Two Videos To Watch

I've been imbibing heavily on Youtube lately. These are 2 videos I've thought about a lot since watching them. 

Video #1: Jason Cohen, founder of WP Engine

Three good sections of this video:

1. Exact scripts he used to personally outreach to people to land his first 100 customers.
2. What happened when they created an annual plan and started messing around with their pricing (this is fascinating).
3. 8 types of business models that Jason avoids and his favorite business models to start and invest in.

Video #2: Simon Sinek, the TED Talk guy

Three good sections of this video:

1. How do you measure success?
2. What's probably broken with your current KPIs.
3. An alternate approach to goal setting that might work better for you (I love how he illustrates this). 

🎧 Three Podcast Episodes

I love learning out loud. I'm a verbal processor and it helps to disentangle my thoughts. That's why I started a podcast a few months ago. So, if you've ever wanted an unfiltered look behind the scenes of a 7-figure online business, you should check it out. You get to follow along as I learn how to grow the company and become a better leader. 

The episodes range from my personal lessons and ideas to private team meetings and recorded calls with other business leaders. 

Here are a few episodes you might enjoy: 

Also, here are a few episodes coming up over the next 4 weeks: 

  • Challenge to my team ($2k prize)
  • My morning 10
  • Recording of our 10-minute leadership team meeting 

Subscribe to the podcast so you don't miss these

What have you enjoyed reading, watching and listening to lately? 

I'd love to get some fresh recommendations from you. 

Reply and let me know!
