Tl;dr: I'm running a promo this month to give away free copies of my latest book for founders, salespeople, and business owners. Sign up for a free trial of and you'll get your free copy of the book soon.
Every company needs to have at least one great negotiator on the team. And at, we regularly train everyone on the team (yap, even the engineers) how to be a better negotiator.
With this book, you can do the same for yourself and your team. Because the ability to work out better deals is one of those high-value skills that you can transfer to any area of life.
In this book I share the same negotiation techniques that I share with our team. More importantly than that, by putting the advice in this book into practice, you'll develop the mindset of a successful negotiatior (which makes a much bigger difference than adding a ton of tactics and techniques to your repertoire, yet most people never do this properly).
Who should read this book?
You! Yes, it's written with founders and startup sales people in mind, but the principles apply to many areas of business (and life). You will find actionable ideas in this book that'll enable you to create more value for your company, and have a bigger impact within your team.
Here are just some of the things I cover:
- How to effortlessly resolve a good amount of negotiation roadblocks (it doesn't always work, but it's always my default first go-to tactic since it's so dead simple)
- How to competently handle questions when you don't know the right answer (without making stuff up)
- The most dangerous trap even seasoned dealmakers fall into during lengthy negotiations—and how to protect yourself against it
- Why your attitude will often determine the outcome of a negotiation more than any other factor, and how to use that to your advantage
- How to handle discount requests
- When you should be lost for words to change the dynamic of the negotiation
- and more :)
Sign up for your free trial now. It takes two minutes and there's zero risk (you don't even need to put in your credit card—email is all it takes). If you don't want to become a customer, there's nothing you need to do—the trial will automatically expire. And the book is yours to keep.
Go get'em!
PS: If you read the book and still have a question about negotiating deals, just email me and I'll help you out. All you need to do is get started with your free, no-risk trial.
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