Here's one characteristic that separates people who really succeed in sales in the long run from those who don't: they're keeping it real.
And if you want to become truly great at sales, you need to embrace realism. You need to see things for what they are.
How good are YOU at evaluating your own sales calls? And if you're managing a team, having an astute sense of judgement is even more important, because it's your job to coach your reps to success.
Too many sales people are jumping back and forth between the land of wishful thinking and the realm of shattered dreams. Their highs are too high, their lows are too low, and in the long run, they don't learn and eventually burn out.
If you had a bad sales call, you want to know it right away. Because only then can you do something about it and learn from it. But if you live in that comfortable make-believe space where it always "went really great!!", you'll be left wondering 3 months later: 'Why did this prospect not buy? Why did they make me waste all this time chasing the deal?'
To succeed in sales, you need to generate quick decisions, make quick learnings.
I've coached thousands of reps. Here's one thing I noticed:
People constantly share sales call recordings with me to evaluate, and before I give them any feedback, I always ask them: "What do YOU think about this call?"
Way too often they're wearing rose-tinted glasses that prevent them from seeing things for what they are. They're afraid of reality. And if you're out of touch with reality, you can't affect it.
Check out my latest video on the blog where I share practical advice on evaluating sales calls (and stepping up your cold calling game).
Go get'em!
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