I never wanted to be a sales person—and I can't think of anyone who grew up wanting to become one either.
But I now know that getting into sales was a blessing in disguise. Few careers offer so much opportunity for learning and growth as you'll find in the field of sales. And while other professions come and go, sales is one of the few eternal professions for which there will always be demand.
In fact, I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for my work in sales. But only because I did this one thing: I focused on building relationships.
I can't tell you enough that this is what you need to do if you're working in sales. (Whether you want to stay in sales, or plan to eventually do something completely different.)
And I'll happily share exactly how I did this with you. Check out my latest post on the Close.io blog, where I give you an actionable breakdown of my relationship building strategy for sales people.
Go get'em!
PS: Another piece of advice if you're working in sales? Focus on the essentials. Minimize the amount of monkey work that's pushed on the plate of sales reps today:
- the data entry,
- the admin-stuff,
- every task that's in a spreadsheet or a database.
An administrative assistant—and in the not too distant future some dope AI tool—will make all this obsolete.
What will never become obsolete though is the fundamentally human skill to open real meaningful sales conversations and close deals.
So focus on that: communicating with prospects. And eliminate everything else. Close.io is a sales CRM built to help you with just that: spend more time closing deals, and less time with data entry. Curious? Try it free today.
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