How we got 7,827 B2B leads with a 5-day virtual summit

Pretty much every sales team and startup needs more quality leads. That's true for us at as well.

So last year, we decided to try something new: launch a virtual summit with more than 50 experts on inside sales.

In the latest post on the blog, we share everything we learned during the two months leading up to the summit. You'll even see the emails we used to recruit speakers, traffic stats, how many leads, trial signups and paying customers we got for our inside sales software.

Check out 9 steps to create a virtual summit: 7,827 subscribers and 55 interviews

(Be warned: this is the longest post we've ever published on our blog. It covers everything you need to know if you want to launch your own summit, we're not holding anything back here.)

Go get'em!

PS: Once you're getting quality leads into your funnel, the most important thing is to follow up with them effectively until they make a buying decision. That's where our sales software comes in—it'll help you never let a sales lead fall through the cracks, and ultimately close more deals in less time. Try it out free today, it takes just a few minutes to get started.

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