A HUGE change is taking place. And it could 10X your sales in 2022. 📈Take a look at this chart...
A huge change is taking place.
And it could 10X your sales in 2022.
Take a look at this chart:
What do you think it is?
Don't worry, I'll explain. Before I do, a word of caution...
If you're not attracting the right people to your business, if you don't use the right strategies and tactics then you'll miss out on this once-in-a-decade opportunity…
This is going to be a huge payoff for whoever rides the wave.
So, what is it?
First, some background.
No doubt, the last two years have been trying…
COVID restrictions have forced millions of people out of work and to work from home.
And to stimulate the economy... the government has been printing money like crazy (causing inflation to hit a 20-year high.)
Political parties have become MORE POLARIZED than ever.
The global supply chain has broken down.
And the list goes on… and on… and on…
Now you're probably saying…
"Bryan, this all sounds like an awful business climate."
How on earth is this a huge opportunity?!!
Let me tell you
Increasing numbers of people are now working from home and spending more time online than ever before. In fact, since the start of the pandemic time spent online has doubled!
That's what the chart at the beginning of this email represents - daily average minutes spent online per person.
This has resulted in a huge rise in people buying online (vs brick & mortar stores). See chart below.
How can you take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity and make 2022 your biggest year yet - regardless of what happens to the economy, the market, changes to Google and Facebook's ad platforms?
That's exactly what we've been doing - helping coaches, consultants, course-makers, and ecommerce owners have back-to-back record years.
And it all starts by booking a call with my team here.
Even in the middle of a pandemic…
Record high unemployment…
And widespread inflation…
For example, there's Rajiv Nathan. Raj followed our 7-Figure Roadmap to add 6 figures in revenue to his business in 2021 - without Facebook ads.
"I can confidently say half (potentially more) of this year's revenue growth is directly attributable to the Growth Tools system." - Raj
Then there's Chaitra Radhakrishna.
While on maternity she launched her business (you think you are too busy!). Within one year she generated close to $80k in revenue from Shopify design projects and $24k in sales of her online course by following our system.
As crazy as it sounds…that's what having just ONE dialed-in marketing coach can do for you.
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