Prospect: "I heard bad things about your company" 😑

Ever spoke with a prospect who read a bad review or heard someone speak negatively of your company?

No sales rep likes encountering this, but actually it's a good thing: The prospect is candidly sharing their concerns. The objection is out in the open, and you can address it.

No matter how good your solution is, how many positive reviews there are—you'll inevitably encounter prospects who heard something negative.

I have a simple framework for handling these situations:

Clearly identify the source and the issue, so you know which of these categories it best fits into:

  • correct, but outdated
  • partially correct
  • false
  • fully correct
Depending upon the answer to that, there are 4 different ways of moving the sales conversation forward.

Check out my latest post on the Close blog to find out how to close deals when you have bad reviews.

Go get'em!

PS: Did you know that Close is one of the highest rated CRMs for SMBs? Try Close for free to find out why inside sales teams love our sales platform.

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