Everybody hates outbound sales. Here's why you shouldn't.

Outbound is probably the most underrated customer acquisition channel in B2B.

People love to hate it. Experts love to proclaim the death of cold calling. We all are bothered by bad cold emails pitching us things we don't need.

But if you do outbound the right way, it could be the become your #1 competitive advantage. 

No doubt about it though: Outbound sales is hard.

Which is why I cover everything you need to know to start winning with outbound sales in my latest blog post:

  • How to build the right team
  • How to create a buyer persona
  • How to do prospecting and outreach
  • Which tools to use to set your team up for success
  • And how to figure out if outbound is the right channel for your company
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Too many sales teams still operate like it's 1999. But things have changed radically, and if you don't adapt your outbound strategy to what's working in 2019, you're doomed to fail.

Check out my latest post on the Close blog to get a full A-Z guide on winning with outbound sales in 2019.

Go get'em!

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