Back in the days when I used to do a lot of cold calls, other sales reps where somewhat in awe of my skills to get people to talk to me. To these prospects, I was just another unknown sales person, interrupting them in the middle of their busy day, trying to sell them something.
So why were they willing to lend me their ear?
Other reps would call a hundred people and 90 wouldn't even give them a minute of their time.
With me?
Completely different. People would willingly engage in a real conversation with me.
So the reps started writing down what I said on the phone, and then used the exact same words when calling their leads.
The results?
It didn't really make much of a difference. Most people still hung up on them, most people still cut them off before they had a chance to actually talk.
Because it wasn't really about what I said. It was how I said it.
And none of this is rocket science. In fact, anybody can do this and instantly see a difference in the way people react to them.
Check out my latest post on the blog (and make sure to listen to the accompanying video at the end) where I share 3 simple techniques to instantly boost your credibility, authority, and trustworthiness when making sales calls.
Go get'em!
PS: ICYMI, we recently launched our latest feature for sales teams making a lot of sales calls: The Predictive Dialer, built right into your CRM. Learn more about this latest feature that has sales teams raving, or try it out yourself with a free 14-day trial.
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