My #1 strategy for closing bigger deals (live webinar)

Hey Friend

Next Tuesday we're hosting a special one-time webinar with our friends Aaron Ross (of Predictable Revenue) and the team at SalesLoft. It's one you won't want to miss.

And as with our last few webinars, we're expecting 1,000+ founders and sales pros to tune in for the one hour event. We're covering how to close bigger, better deals in today's changing sales landscape, including:

  • Perfecting your outbound sales process (to close more deals)
  • Navigating the major changes in the world of B2B enterprise sales
  • Effectively identifying and starting conversations with prospects
  • Personalizing your sales communications at scale
  • And much more…

Sean-Kyle-Steli Webinar Graphic (Featured Meta Image for Page) - Final.jpg

Join Aaron Ross of Predictable Revenue, SalesLoft's VP of Product Strategy, Sean Kester, and I in exploring our most effective strategies for closing bigger, better deals in today's ever-changing sales environment. We'll be talking about how to perfect and scale your outbound selling efforts (no matter the stage of your business), how to start conversations with enterprise decision-makers, and more...

Click here to claim your limited spot and register for the webinar.

As long as you sign up and register right now, I'll make sure you get a recording of the webinar, even if you can't make it live next week. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Go get'em!

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