Would you rather spend 400 hours or 40 minutes?
Would you rather spend 40 minutes with a coach who could 2x your revenue or spend 400 hours researching on your own, which would you do?
I have a very direct question for you: What is the total amount of time you've spent working towards your revenue goals? Days? Weeks? Months? YEARS? In all of my experience in talking with and working with business coaches, consultants, and course makers and asking this question, I am often astounded by the responses I get...80% or more respond with "YEARS!" So I can say with a great degree of confidence that if you are reading this right now, you are stuck. I can also assume that because you are reading this right now that you don't want to stay stuck. And if this is this case, I have a solution you may want to seriously consider: How about if we jump on a quick phone/Zoom call and I help you find out exactly where you're stuck and the exact steps you should be taking to get unstuck? You see, from your vantage point it may be very hard to "see the forest through the trees" - you may feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and unclear on what you should be doing, and NOT DOING right now... But after helping countless folks get unstuck and rapidly increase their revenue there's a great chance I can quickly diagnose your problems and offer clear and valuable guidance…Why would I volunteer 40 minutes to someone like you at no charge? Simple. Two reasons actually...
This is the ultimate Win/Win! But only if you take advantage of this offer: Option A: we can spend 40 minutes mapping out a clear plan for your specific situation, no strings attached… Option B: you can spend another 400 hours sifting, sorting, searching, and clicking across the web and expect different results… If I was your coach I would recommend Option A :) Talk Soon, - Bryan
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