turn a hard no into a yes?

If you've been following my advice for any amount of time, you know that I'm a huge believer in the power of the follow-up.

And yes, today, I want to share yet another follow-up technique with you.

One that's so easy and simple, I almost facepalmed myself when I heard about it a couple of weeks ago. The first time I tried it, it saved me thousands of dollars. 

But you can just as easily use it to open sales conversations and close deals.

Check out my latest post on the Close.io blog where I share the easiest way I know to turn a hard no into a yes.

Go get'em!

PS: If you want to get better at following up with sales prospects, check out our CRM with integrated calling and emailing. Not only can you easily set up follow-up reminders, or schedule follow-up emails in advance, but you can also filter your leads in a way that automatically creates a list of all the prospects you should follow up with next. Try it for yourself with our 14-day free trial, and make sure to familiarize yourself with Smart Views and workflows in Close.io.

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