Tl;dr: I'm running a promo this month giving away free copies of my latest book for founders and small business owners on the most underappreciated topic in startupland: cold calling!
Sign up for a free trial of my sales software—which also comes with 14 days of unlimited calling to the US, Canada, and most other countries to help you crush it in sales.
Here's the full story: I've been traveling to quite a few countries in recent weeks, speaking at events all over Europe, talking to plenty of founders and small business owners.
And there's one thing I keep noticing: Everyone's obsessed with growth hacks. Not just in Europe, but also in the US. And it's an unhealthy obsession.
As an early-stage B2B startup, your number one priority should be GETTING CUSTOMERS. Now guess what all these people who love talking about growth hacks aren't doing? That's right—they're not getting customers. All those smart growth hacks sound awesome, but they rarely work.
Want to know what I hear from B2B founders who are successful at getting customers though? The thing they talk about is very unsexy, but very effective:
Cold calling.
Saying this won't win me a popularity contest. But it needs to be said. Because I've seen too many smart and dedicated people build great products, and run their head against the wall, trying to get customers using all the latest and greatest customer acquisition tactics. But what they don't do enough is talking with prospective customers.
I'm not saying growth hacking, or content marketing, social media, paid ads, and other channels don't work. They do! And the stories of companies that made them work keep getting re-told hundreds of times each day. But that's not the typical path to success for B2B startups.
Which is why my team and I have assembled all of my best advice on cold calling, and put it into a book:
Now I've spent most of this email trying to sell you on the idea of cold calling. And hopefully, you're now at least at a place where you say: Alright, I hear you… but how? I'm not a sales person. How do I do this right?
That's what this book is all about. Everything I know about cold calling is in there, in a way that makes it easy for you to work your way through it A-Z. It doesn't matter whether you're introverted or extroverted, eloquent or tongue-tied, have sales experience or not: it's all the basic building blocks you need to start selling, and build a solid first version of your sales process.
So sign up for your free trial now. It takes two minutes, and there's zero risk (you don't even need to put in your credit card—email is all it takes). If you don't want to become a customer, there's nothing you need to do—the trial will automatically expire. And the book is yours to keep.
You'll be able to start making calls within minutes, and easily stay on top of your sales pipeline.
Go get'em!
PS: If you read the book and still have a question on cold calling—just email me and I'll help you out. We're still putting the final touches on the book, but you'll be the first to get it early next week. All you need to do is to
get started with your free, no-risk trial.
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