
A simple two-letter word that stops us in our tracks. "No."
Today I want to talk about REJECTION. In the context of sales, but also the larger context of business, and life.
(This is also the inaugural edition of my inofficial CEO newsletter. I'll share thoughts that aren't just about sales, but anything currently near and dear to my heart. Want in? Just click here and I'll send you an email every other week.)
We all hate getting rejected. You, me, everyone you've ever met. It's human nature. Hard-wired right into our brains.
🧠fMRI studies reveal that getting rejected triggers the same neurological pathways in your brain that light up when you experience physical pain.
💊Taking painkillers actually soothes the pain of rejection. (But that's not a healthy long-term strategy.)
My ability to handle rejection—without painkillers—has without a doubt been one of my most valuable skills in life. I wouldn't have been able to accomplish half of what I did if I had allowed rejection to get between me and my goals.
That's why I recently recorded a podcast episode on handling rejection. Click here to automatically sign up for my weekly newsletter and listen to my podcast episode on rejection.
Heads up: I'm not going to talk about the neurophysiology of rejection. Nor the evolutionary explanation for why rejection is so painful, or anything of that kind.
Instead, it's going to be a very pragmatic and straight-forward:
- Here's my strategy for dealing with rejection.
- Here's how it could benefit you.
- And here's a step-by-step guide to applying it to your own life.

→ Listen in and start receiving my personal newsletter every week.

Embrace the no,
PS: What's your way of dealing with rejection? I'd love to hear from you!

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